Thursday, September 2, 2010

Remote Desktop Management Creates Prompt Repair

The idea of using remote desktop management is to control PC's from a location other than in front of the computer itself. This method of management is convenient for those that may have trouble with a computer and can't take the computer in to a technician.


The idea here is that if you are having issues with your computer you can contact an IT or computer repair shop to help you repair it and get you back to work without dismantling the office and packing up the computer to take it to a shop.


Companies with multiple computers are perfect candidates for this type of management program. The IT seems to be the busiest employee in the company no matter where you work. A good deal of time is spent in walking from office to office to help with computer issues. Imagine the ability to resolve most problems remotely. The time saved could be significant.


The programs available run on a high transfer speed so the process can be quickly executed. There is access of other computers through network connections. An IT or other person assigned to help with computer issues can remain in place and access your computer remotely. They will see your desktop just the way you see it. Whatever you may have been working on doesn't need to be shut down while the process is in progress. The tech will see a full screen desktop as it appears on the computer that is having the problem. Any screen shots the tech observes that could be significant to solving a problem can be saved. How many times have you received an error message only to forget which number the error states? Remote computer performance can be watched by the tech and any information that is relevant to the problem can be recorded. The IT will be able to discover what the user is experiencing, which is much easier and more effective than the user trying to explain the problem to the tech. Once the trouble has been identified, the tech can then perform any action necessary to get the computer back to its running state. It can be shut down or restarted if necessary. It can be powered off completely or a hard reboot can be performed. Other possible functions are locking and unlocking, logging on or off, and launching or killing applications.


You will have the option of choosing from different styles of remote program. The most basic program will allow remote access including the full size desktop that the user is seeing, screen shot captures, and other interactive features. The next level program might also have the ability to chat with the computer user, monitor speed and performance, and access the inventory of the computer and print it all out. It would also include the features in the basic model.


For the best remote desktop management available the premium type has options that will give your IT the best chance of working efficiently and with the least hassle. There are options for OS hotfix, program folders, processor data, printer and device performance and more.

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